Friday, October 14, 2011

Federal seat redistribution

New legislation is finally being introduced to fix the democratic imbalance in the House of Commons by adding the following seats to these growing provinces:

+7 BC
+5 Alberta
+18 Ontario

Bringing the total to 308+30=338.

But that will then leave Quebec, which has 24.4% of the population, with 23.1% of the seats.  Oh dear no!  Nevermind that they already have 25% of the seats in the Senate where BC and Alberta each have 5.7%.

Which further proves why we not only need an elected Senate, but an equal one as well.  I've mentioned before that if over the next 10 years or so, if Harper doesn't appoint folks in provinces with more than 6 Senators, with the upcoming 9 year Senatorial term, coupled with mandatory retirements, it is possible virtually to achieve provincial equality.  He could hold provinces accountable to the new terms by not appointing anyone if they don't have Senate elections.

Harper's always played the long game in politics.  I wonder if this is part of that plan.


Alain said...

As Quebec is clearly over represented, they should have the number of seats decreased at the same time.

Anonymous said...

This still leaves Alberta with a shortfall. Alberta has 11% of the total population. 11% of 338 is 37 seats. not 33 seats.

L said...

Interesting, anony; the calculations may be old, so I agree, they should be looked at again. I think there might be a problem about the rules - based on the last census vs. today????

oxygentax said...

Just a note - Quebec only has 23.2% of the population. Their only complaint is that they don't get that fraction of an MP to represent them.