Harper: "NDP brings bad ideas.. where Liberals bring none"
Full story here.
In the 90's, back in my U of A political club days during the annual Model Parliament, I noticed how easy it was for us on the Reform/Canadian Alliance opposition bench to debate the Liberal gov't (who were the gov't in power during that time). They lacked any real passion other than happy they were in power. But more significantly, they lacked ideas. They even admitted it to me in the evening parties that their party was not about original ideas, it was about taking them from the left or right and being pragmatic to the n-th degree. It was classic linear ideology 101.
As I mentioned in a previous post, the Liberals were the most successful political party in the the democratic world. They were masters of balancing the politically astute ideas from the left and right, whether good or bad, whether it solved anything or not, and sold them to the public as sound policy all for one primary purpose... power. NDP came up with universal health care, Liberals enacted it. Chretien tells everyone he's getting rid of the GST, but keeps it, although it was good Conservative policy. Oh sure, the Liberals had their Red Book of 1993, but really, it was more for show that they did have ideas.
The Liberal party of the last 10 years or so has had a massive policy vacuum, even if that policy means stealing them from the left or right, they don't appear to agree with either side. The only real original idea came from former Liberal leader Stephane Dion with the carbon tax. Sure it was supposedly original, but Canadians rejected it as a bad idea and elected the Conservatives again instead.
The Liberals continue to swoon for a dauphin leader to pull them out of the vacuum with some grand ideas, when their ideas should be coming from their membership or at least enhanced ideas from the left or right, it is seemingly so that Liberal support across Canada (and other western nations) appears in a hole. It will take much more than young Trudeau to save them. At least his father had ideas, although very bad ones.
With the NDP seemingly moving to the centre and the Conservatives having moved to the centre a while back, the Liberals got pushed out... especially on ideas. And so Prime Minister Harper is bang-on: “The one difference between the NDP and the Liberal Party is at least the NDP brings bad ideas to this debate, whereas the Liberals bring none.”