Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Obama Nation

I'm currently refreshing CNN.com and its results of superdelegates that are chiming in for Barack Obama. In a span of one minute, the number jumped by 13.

It's over. They're all moving toward him. He needs 21 more total delegates to reach 2118 (as of 5:35 EST). Clinton hasn't gained any. Only a handful more superdelegates and this won't go to the convention floor.

The Republicans are already highlighting clips of Hillary and Jimmy Carter saying stuff against Obama. This is probably to ensure she doesn't get on the ticket as veep.

Geez, even some pledged delegates have moved to Obama. And Hillary lost three superdelegates. As of 5:45pm EST, it's now:
Obama: 2102
Clinton: 1914

Obama needs 16 more...
[Edit:] Now 12 more...
[Edit:] Now 10 more...
[Edit:] 7...

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