I'll be honest, I haven't paid as close attention to this race as I should. Why? Because I'd be satisfied with any of the three mayoral front-runners leading this city over at least the next six years. Now why do I say that? I don't dislike any of them. I liked at lot of their work on council. They each have distinct positive qualities that are appealing and some drawbacks. I think a big drawback for all of us is we're not going to see two of them on council for the next three years. I'm leaning toward one of these candidates but having a closer look at another.
Let's also keep in mind that I've lived in Edmonton my whole life, have travelled to many cities in the U.S. and have seen how things are done and not done well as far as roads, taxes, transit, services, building a downtown core, drawing business and growing an economy, etc.
Anyway, let's look at the three candidates now from MY view (in alphabetical order):
Kerry Diotte
- Knows this city from a grassroots view
- King of the pothole issue -- a major issue
- Anti-arena deal from a taxpayer view, but not anti-arena
- Strong fiscal conservative
- Anti-bike -- he's got good points on the value here with our weather
- Anti-bike -- he lost the bike vote, oh no!
- Perceived as fully anti-arena
- Campaign stunts are too gimmicky and lame - "Diotte or Detroit?" Anti-arena TV commercial at Blue Plate fiasco. Seriously? Who approved those?
- Didn't seem to work well with others on council
- Even Lorne Gunter isn't supporting him
Don Iveson
- Although a family man for a while, perceived as youthful and energetic
- Articulate and has vision
- Only candidate to really talk about sewers and drainage in downtown and surrounding area as a major infrastructure issue.
- Very smart politically
- Too fiscally progressive/liberal. I see him as similar to Nenshi in Calgary. He doesn't seem like the kind of mayor who'd put his foot down hard on tax increases. Also, what I've seen in Alberta is a strong political movement of progressives taking over civically.
- Maybe should have stayed on council
Karen Leibovici
- Supposed fiscal-hawk
- Tonnes of experience in provincial and civic politics
- Former President/Chair of Canadian/Alberta Council of Cities something or other (look it up yourself)
- Woman - Yep, I'm saying it. She wouldn't be the first though.
- Liberal, but a blue-liberal
- Not all that inspiring
- Huge backing from developers who are funding her campaign with lots of cash. This means influence buying and it stinks.
I think Karen will win with about 40-45%. I said it from the beginning. Don will get 30-35%, Kerry 20-25%, and the rest to other side candidates. That said, I think Don probably has the best grassroots ground team that have been with him for many years now and haven't left.
Notable Councillor Candidates off the top of my head:
- WARD 6 (Downtown):
Dexx Williams - former policeman. He's currently got my vote for this ward. His policy is very thorough and smart.
- WARD 11 (Southeast):
Mike Nickel - businessman. He's back. He's got experience. He knows a lot about the city's finances and where efficiencies can be made. And let's not forget, he was a big promoter and coordinator of LRT expansion BEFORE it was a really sexy issue. His TV commercial is very good.
So there you have it, folks. Maybe more on this later if anything comes up.