Friday, November 22, 2013

Duffy Senate Expense Scandal - The RCMP Report

Despite the overblown rhetoric from the opposition and media, this article speaks for itself and why I continue to defend the Prime Minister regarding the Mike Duffy Senate Expense Scandal.

From the RCMP Report...

"The evidence I have viewed suggest that the Prime Minister was informed by his staff that they were working on a plan to have Senator Duffy repay expenses," concludes Corporal Horton on page 70, but "I have seen no evidence to suggest that the Prime Minister was personally involved in the minutiae of these matters." And then, a page later: "I am not aware of any evidence that the Prime Minister was involved in the repayment or reimbursement of money to Senator Duffy or his lawyer."
Read the article about the entire issue here:


Bec said...

This analysis is represented throughout the document and yet the goofs in the media, the 'bear-ish' bloggers, the people that never read stuff but comment are freaking out.

I'm just having a hard time processing their thinking(s) re this PM. I have heard for 6 years that he IS a 'control freak' but then when it's proven that he wasn't, they can't accept that because 'why wasn't he' and 'he must have been'!?

When ever have these same people had THEIR work scrutinized by THEIR CEO? The job of the PM is not to 'CONTROL' the peons, it's to entrust the peons to do their job.

The fact that they tried to leave this Senator with some humility is how I have always seen this situation. I have never seen this as a cover-up, a scandal or a big deal. The guy SCREWED UP big time and I have always sensed that this appointment went to his head and he was told to fix it by the PM.

The Conservative hating media need to tell me 'the story', NOT their opinions. I don't care about their need to make an editorial, I want the facts and in this country, facts are selective based on the WHO.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it. The media, using the CBC Propaganda arm of the Liberal party, are just using the Paying back of taxpayers money, to hide the real scandal....the Ontario Liberals corruption.

Anonymous said...

Send this over to Sun News. Especially to David Akin...he is giddy with joy over this and not using all the information provided by the RCMP documents.

Anonymous said...

Harper was clueless about the activities within his own office. The media should stop picking on him. Nigel wright should go to jail for a long time for lying and deceiving Mr Harper.

Anonymous said...

Why did the RCMP not release the 3 1/2 page document to the media, since these pages were in the court filings along with all the others. It TOTALLY shows the PM wasn't in the know....MY GOD...could that be why...does the RCMP have it in for the PM too??We know the CBC and the media do.

wilson said...

RCMP doc states that the grounds for the alleged 'fraud' charges on Wright and Duffy are due to acting WITHOUT Harper's consent.
See page 2, 3rd and 4th bullets.
So RCMP are beyond doubt that PM did not know of the plan and chq, and use that as grounds for fraud.

wilson said...

Something else that the media has spun into confusion.
-Gerstien told the convention attendants the truth, at no time did the party offer to pay Duffy's ineligible expenses.
-the $90k is the total of 2 parts, Duffy's housing allowance and expenses.
-The party was going to pay up to $32k for his "housing allowance", and Deloitte found the rules were unclear and did NOT conclude Dully's housing allowance was in eligible.
-The rest of what constitutes the $90k was "ineligible expenses", where Duffy charged taxpayers for meals, incidentals and per diems while living in his own house in Ottawa as if he was living away from home.