Prorogue to insenaty or senate reform?
A couple weeks ago I mentioned that Prime Minister Harper might prorogue parliament. Well, he has, until early March. Thirty-five bills die, but several important ones got amended and some were stalled in the Liberal-dominated senate.
So now that's done, I don't think this had much to do with the Afghan detanee issue, but that the next question is whether Harper will then appoint the vacant senate seats giving the Conservatives a majority in the senate, which Canada hasn't had in a long time. And, it's been so long, I don't remember, but I'd guess around the mid-90's after Jean Chretien made a pile of appointments. So I'd like to point out again that the Liberals have no credibility if they make a huff about senate appointments when they have never made any progress when in government on making the senate elected, equal, or accountable with their long list of appointments in Canadian parliamentary history.
My guess is that Harper will definitely make those appointments. Then after resuming parliament again and introducing a new budget and reintroduce the bills the died, the real question at hand is...
Will we continue with "insenaty" (i.e. all talk and no action on senate reform) or will Canada finally see some real progress toward modifying the senate and improving our democracy?
Read more here.